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RecoverIR helps target lost energy in many ways.
We know where to look for the lost energy and have the technology to help our customers optimize finding lost energy.
What parts of the energy infrastructure are closely coupled?
The energy infrastructure of America can be broken into at least three fundamental closely coupled, interacting infrastructures as shown in :
If the government economics (subsidies, funding, tax credits, etc.) do not support the physical infrastructure or regulations prevent the building of certain types of plants, then the physical energy infrastructure will change or fall apart. Economics and regulations directly support the success, change or failure of parts of the physical energy infrastructure.
Each energy infrastructure triangle has three parts!
Within each energy infrastructure triangle shown above are fundamentally three perspectives as shown in the figure on the right:
RecoverIR™ uses “High Resolution Aerial Infrared Imaging over large geographic areas, along with sound systems engineering and economic analysis…” to unveil the unperceivable and analytically assist in the potential changes in the infrastructure while working “ …to optimize the recovery of lost energy!”
Where does RecoverIR™ fit into the energy infrastructure?
As shown in the figure on the left, RecoverIR™ helps couple the physical, economic and regulatory infrastructures while using “High Resolution Aerial Infrared Imaging over large geographic areas, along with sound systems engineering and economic analysis…” to unveil the unperceivable and analytically assist in the potential changes in the infrastructure while working “ …to optimize the recovery of lost energy!”
While focusing on “Techniques to Optimize the Recovery of Lost Energy as described in the center triangle on the left, RecoverIR™ provides services in five separate, but closely related service areas as shown below.